Purchase Online Grievance Redressal System as per AICTE Norms

Student, Employee and Parent to send their Grievances directly to College Administration and get it redressed online in an easy, hassle-fee manner

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Online Grievance Redressal System as per AICTE Norms is a SaaS that allows Student, Employee and Parent to send their messages and complaints directly to college administration and get it redressed online in an easy, hassle-fee manner. This is much quicker than traditional way of contacting college personally to get it redressed.

With Cyberpassion GRS for colleges, Student and Parent can contact colleges for any issues like ragging, fee, issues with studies or any other. Apart from this, Employee can contact college to inquire about salary, issues with students and others.

As per AICTE Norms, Grievance Redressal System is mandatory for all AICTE affiliated colleges in India. Cyberpassion has provided GRS to more than 150 colleges.

Cyberpassion Grievance Redressal System on GEM Portal

Online Grievance Redressal System for Students

Students while studying in college can come across lot of things regarding which they wish to communicate to the college. It is not easy for them to go to the office and send their message across. Time is a constraint but not with Cyberpassion Grievance Redressal System

With Cyberpassion GRS students can write just about anything – from a ragging activity bothering them to quality of food, quality of studies and many more directly to the higher administration. All they need to do is to file a grievance, verify themselves and send. The grievance head would read and redress the issue by consulting concerned authorities and revert back. All digitally, fast without much fuss.

Grievance Redressal System for Parents

Parents care a lot about their ward. They want to keep track of all the activities happening in the college and sometimes wish to inquire about certain things bothering them. Traditionally, their only way was to come and visit college, schedule a meeting with dean and then discuss the matter. This is length and time-consuming. Also its always not possible to take out time from busy schedule. But with Cyberpassion Online Grievance Redressal System for Colleges, they could now easily contact college and send their message across. Also they would get responses faster as every college now has a dedicated grievance team as per AICTE.

Grievance Redressal System for Employees

Employees – teachers, office staff, lab technicians, clerk all may have some grievance from time to time. From quality of work, to salary delay to limited facilities they could have issues they want to communicate with the college management and administrative staff. With Online Grievance Redressal System as per AICTE norms, they could send their complaint/grievance just by filling a simple form. Once their request is received and processed, they get a notification.

Features of Grievance Redressal System as per AICTE Norms

  1. Cyberpassion will develop a standard Grievance Redressal Mechanism as per AICTE norms. The mechanism would have,
    (a) Grievance Redressal Form for Complainant to fill and send to Institute.
    (b) Login for Complainant to Track Status of Grievance.
    (c) Login for Institute to Manage (Approve/Reject/Take Action) all Submitted Grievance by Complainant.
    (d) Report Generation of Grievance Redressal on Daily, Weekly, Monthly basis.
  2. To and fro communication (ie between grievance complainant and institute) is done using SMS by default. One SMS is sent for grievance sender validation, one on successful submission of Grievance and one when Institute responds to a submitted Grievance.
  3. 1 year free On-Call/Email Maintenance Support from Date of Invoice generation.
  4. One-time free installation cost.
  5. Price may subject to change if additional feature is requested.

Online Grievance Redressal System Video

Stepwise Guide to Online Grievance Redressal for Colleges and Schools

  1. As displayed in the video tutorial, every college would have their custom link which will be put on their website like displayed in the image below.
  2. Whenever a student/employee or parent visits the site and click on the link. The Grievance Portal would appear.online grievance redressal portal for college as per aicte norms
  3. Student would click on the ‘Submit Student Grievance’ tab and a form would appear.online grievance redressal form for student
  4. Student would fill the form entering this name, course, year and phone number. OTP Verification would be performed here so that no false grievances are submitted.grievance submission otp verification
  5. After OTP verification, the grievance would be submitted and student would get a confirmation on his mobile number.grievance submission confirmationgrievance submission confirmation sms
  6. College would then login on admin, panel and reply/redress the submitted grievance.online grievance redressal by collegeonline grievance redressal by college reply
  7. When college replies, student would then get a notification on mobile that the grievance has been redressed and summary of how it has been redressed. For reading detailed reply, he may login on the portal and check the reply.online grievance redressal sms to student
  8. Student would then visit and sees the reply.student viewing online grievance reply by college

Grievance Redressal system Report Generation by College

College can view the reports like how many grievances are resolved in a month or between two dates, how may online grievanaces are pending for reply and more by directly visiting the report tab.

online grievance redressal report by college

The Online Grievance Redressal System for Colleges is developed by Cyberpassion keeping the ACITE guidelines in mind and contains all the features made mandatory by them.

Why AICTE is pushing for Online Grievance Redressal System for colleges?

With COVID 19 threat looming all the time, students, employees and parents doesn’t have a proper channel to get information regarding important events in the institute. Also there is no way to get in touch with faculty members to make queries related to studies, exams and other topics. With the grievance redressal software installed on a dedicated portal linked to the website, they can now just send in their message and the management can reply online.

The process is fast, easy and ensures accountability on the institute’s part in resolving each and every queries that come in. Also report generation makes it easy for CBSE to evaluate all grievances that is submitted and how they are handled by the institute. It has now become a parameter of how an organisation is working towards a transparent operation, preventing unethical practices and providing a safe environment for all students and employees.

AICTE has been planning to for a uniform grievance redressal mechanism for educational institutes for a long time and now its made mandatory; every AICITE affiliated college in India must have a dedicated grievance redressal portal for students, parents and employees. Cyberpassion is offering Grievance Redressal System for AICTE affiliated colleges at a very affordable price and we have delivered it to more than 150 colleges across India.


S.NoSettings NameDescription
1Employee TypesEnter all employee types for the business like ‘Admin’, ‘Management’ etc separated by comma.
2Document UploadsList of all the documents that can be uploaded for an employee like Aadhar Number, PAN Number etc.
3Columns in Employee ReportEmployee information that should be displayed in reports.
4OTP Verification on Employee LoginWhether Activate/Deactivate OTP verification when employee logins to account.
5Send Welcome SMS to Employees AutomaticallyShould a welcome message be sent on entry of new employee. You may select Yes/No depending on your preference.
6SMS Template IDTemplate ID of the welcome SMS that is sent to the employee on new entry
7Employee Welcome SMS TemplateTemplate of welcome SMS that is sent to the employee on new entry
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