The Team
Know about Cyberpassion Team

Akanksha Sharma
COO, Chief Operating Officer
Akansha is the one who ensures our clients are happily using Cyberpassion products and services without any issues. From installation of software/app to providing support to redressing grievance, she is there to help.

Veer Prajapati
CFO, Chief Financial Officer
Veer has been with Cyberpassion since the very begining and handles all the accounts and money related stuff. When not busy, he likes to mint money out of share market and follow political updates.

Heera Lal Sharma
CMO, Chief Marketing Officer
Heera is responsible for most of the sales that we do in UP West, Madhya Pradesh and adjacent states. With his team, he does discussions and ensure we get the best client and client gets the best deal.

Shreya Sharma
CCO, Chief Creative Officer
Shreya is the creative force behind showcasing our clients’ stories and brands. From producing engaging digital content to capturing compelling visuals, they ensure our clients shine and connect with their audience effectively.