Cyberpassion ERP has 4 different exam result formats. Below are those,
Format 1: CBSE (4 Exams in Term 1 + 4 Exams in Term 2) #
This exam has 4 exams per term and there are 2 terms in a session. So there are 8 exams for all classes in a session.
I-A (1)-1 (1)Download CBSE Format Sample Excel Files
Format 2: Half Yearly and Annual Exam (2 Exams) #
This exam format has only 2 exams in a session which include a half-yearly and an annual exam. Final report card is printed by calculating marks attained across these two exams.
HY - Cyberpassion School _ Cyberpassion AppDownload Half Yearly and Annual Exam Sample File Formats
Format 3: Subjective Assessment and Periodic Assessment (4 Exams) #
This format has 4 exams in a session – half yearly, annual and one exam before half yearly and one between half yearly and annual exam.
sapa-exam-formatDownload Subjective Assessment and Periodic Assessment Sample File Format
Format 4: Written and Oral (4 Exams) #
This format has 4 exams in a session and every exam has a written and oral versions.