Instructions #
Log in to the software entering your username and password.
- In the left sidebar menu, go to ‘Library > Allotment List’.
- In the list, find the book’s name , and hover on the filter arrow located next to it.
- A dropdown will appear; click on ‘Return All’.
- A popup will appear to select the return date. Enter the date the book was returned and click ‘Process’.
- A confirmation modal will appear on the screen, indicating the book has been successfully returned.
If you wish to reissue the books to someone, follow the steps below.
- In the left sidebar menu, go to ‘Library > Allotment List’.
- In the list, find the book’s name , and hover on the filter arrow located next to it.
- A dropdown will appear; click on ‘reissue All’.
- A popup will appear to select the renew date. Enter the date the book is renewed and click ‘Process’.
- A confirmation modal will appear on the screen, indicating the book has been successfully renewed.